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What is a “Now” page?

An intermittently refreshed record of my reading, investigations, and contemplations.

It’s a convention started by Derek Sivers. Like an about page, but it’s what a person is focused on at this point of their life.

April 2023

It was my birthday this month. My first one in New Zealand since we immigrated. Obviously, I was well aware it would be a bit more lonely than usual, since it’s just me, my wife and the two kids… but somehow this still hit me a bit harder than expected.

I’m currently working a lot on the side to get my blog up and running. I’ve delayed this long enough. To be honest, while writing this… it’s the furthest I’ve gotten, like ever. So pretty proud of myself. haha.

I also restarted my twitter account. The previous one I kind of messed up. This one I’d like to focus on building/learning in public and actually have quality followers/friends that engage. Even if I only end up having a 100 followers, if they’re engaged it would mean more to me than having 10K+.