I know, I know—setting goals is the easy part. I’ve failed more times than I care to count, and if you’re anything like me, you probably have too. But there’s something magnetic about big goals. They inspire, challenge, and yes, sometimes terrify us.
Chasing them isn’t just about the destination. It’s about:
- Discovering new adventures along the way
- Compound growth through daily progress
- The joy of agency—being in control of where you’re going
Work in progressThis page is evolving as I continue exploring these topics. Some sections are drafts; others are ideas waiting to be fleshed out. Dive in and join me in the journey.
Why Big Goals Matter
Big goals, whether they’re tangible, intangible, or grounded in values and principles, create a sense of direction. They help us navigate life while being more directionally correct.
Whether it’s learning a “complex” new library like Effect-TS, building a product that helps others, or even improving a personal habit, these ambitions push us to the edge of what we know. They’re what give life its why.
But here’s the catch… chasing big goals without a strategy is a recipe for frustration. I’ve been there, lost in the whirlwind of ideas without a clear path forward. That’s why I rely on a system—a goal setting system built for inevitable success
The Core Components of My System
Here’s what keeps me on track:
Mindset & Identity Sculpting:
Shaping the person I need to become to achieve my goals
Goal Setting:
Breaking big dreams into actionable steps.
Digital Gardening:
A place to grow ideas and reflect on progress.
- Start with What is a Digital Garden if this is new to you.
Feedback Loops:
Iterating on what works and fixing what doesn’t.
Dealing with friction when chasing big goals:
Navigating setbacks and resistance.
Practical Tools and Resources for your Goal Framework:
Anything that supports growing and setting goals
Reflections of the successes of my own systems:
Lessons from what’s worked for me so far.