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What is a Digital Garden?

Last Tended
May 1, 2023
May 1, 2023

What is a digital garden? Where did it start? How will a digital garden help you? These are all questions I attempt to answer. Hopefully by the end of it, youā€™ll ditch your blog and opt for a digital garden.

Progress Note

This note and any note in my digital garden is ā€œin progressā€. This is how a digital garden works.

Please check back regularly, or ask me on Twitter for clarification on anything Iā€™ve written.

Gardening, not blogging

Digital gardening is a creative approach to content creation and organization that emphasizes the evolving nature of ideas, rather than presenting them as polished final products.

Inspired by the metaphor of a garden, this concept encourages personal, ongoing development of thoughts and ideas, nurtured over time like plants in a garden.

By focusing on curation and organic connections between content pieces, digital gardens break away from the traditional chronological structure of blogs and embrace a more exploratory and dynamic experience for both the creator and the audience.

The history of digital gardening

The first time I heard of digital gardening was from a post by Joel Hooks, My blog is a digital garden, not a blog.

Not long after, Maggie Appletonā€™s post, A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden, popped up on my radar.

Maggie does an EXCELLENT job going through the the history of what a digital garden is.

Iā€™ll summarize this section a bit better in future. For now, youā€™ll have to do it the old school way and click those links šŸ˜‰.

The freedom of a garden

In a garden, you have the freedom to experiment, explore, and let your creativity run wild. Itā€™s not about perfection; itā€™s about cultivating a space that nurtures growth and evolution. A digital garden embraces this same philosophy, allowing you to express your thoughts and ideas without the pressure of having everything polished or finished.

Your digital garden is a flexible, adaptable space that reflects your unique interests and intellectual journey. As you learn and grow, so does your garden, and thereā€™s no need for rigid structures or predetermined outcomes. This organic, fluid approach to content creation encourages continuous learning and reflection, making your garden a true reflection of your evolving thoughts and passions.

In this liberating environment, perfectionism is replaced with curiosity, and the fear of failure is transformed into a willingness to experiment and learn. By cultivating your digital garden, you are not only expanding your own horizons but also inviting others to engage with your ideas, fostering a sense of community and shared exploration.

Embrace the freedom of a garden and discover the joy of nurturing your own unique, ever-evolving digital landscape.

Future iterations

Iā€™m not completely happy with my summarisation of digital gardening. Any feedback or questions you have will help me, so please get in contact.

Iā€™ll go into more detail on: